Dr. Keller received her medical degree from the University of California San Francisco, where she also undertook her postgraduate training, completing a residency in Pediatrics and a fellowship in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at the UCSF Medical Center/UCSF Children’s Hospital. During her fellowship, she was the recipient of the Glaser Pediatric Research Network fellowship. She is the director of the UCSF Extracoporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) program for newborns and the coordinator of the UCSF Neonatology Clinical Consensus program. She joined the pediatrics faculty in 2003.
Sponsor: NIH/NCATS UL2 TR001872
Role: Co-Investigator, Integrating Special Populations Core/Member, Strategic Advisory Board
Sponsor: NIH/NICHD R21 HD097600
Role: Co-Investigator
Sponsor: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Role: Co-Investigator
Sponsor: NIH Office of the Director UG3 OD023320
Role: Co-Investigator, Site PI, Cohort PI
Sponsor: NIH U01HL101798
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NIH/NHLBI U01 HL094338
Role: Co-Investigator
Sponsor: NIH K23HL079922
Role: Principal Investigator