Dr. Elliott H. Sherr is dedicated to the care of children with neurological disorders and to finding the causes and treatments for these diseases. He directs the Comprehensive Clinic for Brain Development, which diagnoses and treats children with MRI-visible disorders of brain development. These patients frequently have epilepsy, developmental delay and autism. Sherr also is co-director of the UCSF Neurometabolic Program and Clinic, which diagnoses and treats children with neurological diseases caused by abnormal metabolism, such as phenylketonuria (PKU).
Sherr graduated from Stanford University with undergraduate degrees in philosophy and biology. He earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience and a medical degree at Columbia University. He completed pediatrics, neurology and child neurology residency training at UCSF. He directs a research group, the Brain Development Research Program, that studies the genetics and biology of autism and epilepsy, work funded by the National Institutes of Health and March of Dimes.
Conditions: Aicardi Syndrome
Sponsor: NIH R01NS058721
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NIH R01NS120667
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NIH U01NS077364
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NIH R21NS062173
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NIH K02NS052192
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NIH M01RR001271
Role: Co-Investigator