UCSF Fetal Treatment Center
2025 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting
Dr Anita Moon-Grady leading fetal treatment meeting

Comprehensive Early Anatomy Evaluation

Since its founding in 1981, the Fetal Treatment Center has expanded its vision to incorporate dynamic new methods for fetal diagnosis and treatment based on the emerging fields of maternal-fetal genetics and precision medicine. Advances in prenatal imaging technologies allow the experts at the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center to offer comprehensive early anatomic evaluations. These specialized examinations are conducted by maternal-fetal medicine specialists and cardiologists trained in advanced prenatal diagnosis. Early fetal anatomy evaluations are particularly useful for patients who are at high risk of having a fetal malformation.

The early anatomy evaluation incorporates advances in ultrasound technology that allow improved visualization of fetal anatomy at all gestation stages. This early anatomy evaluation is optimally performed at 12 to 14 weeks. The evaluation is appropriate for several clinical indications such as abnormalities suspected during nuchal translucency (NT) ultrasound, a family history of fetal anomalies, abnormal results on prenatal screening, multiple gestations, and pregestational diabetes. The benefits of early anatomic evaluation include early access to targeted diagnostic testing and follow-up imaging such as early fetal echocardiography, the opportunity to make more informed decisions regarding the pregnancy, and early reassurance for patients with normal results.

Early Anatomic Evaluation

Clinical indications for early anatomic evaluation include the following:

  • Abnormality suspected during NT ultrasound
  • Enlarged NT measurement (>3.5mm)
  • Family history of a fetal anomaly
  • History of a prior pregnancy with a fetal abnormality
  • Monochorionic twins
  • Poorly controlled pregestational diabetes (hemoglobin A1c >8.5 percent)
  • Teratogen exposure

To learn if you may be eligible and to schedule an evaluation, please contact the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center.

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco
Phone: (800) 793-3887 or (800) RX-FETUS
Fax: (415) 502-0660